Baked vegetable crisps

Baked vegetable crisps


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 parsnip
  • 2 potatoes (for example Roseval potatoes)
  • 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
  • sunflower or vegetable oil for frying
  • fine salt
Baked vegetable crisps ingredients

Kitchen equipment needed

  • Dutch oven or other heavy bottomed pan or a deep fryer
  • skimmer
  • 2 large bowls
  • paper kitchen towels
Making your own crisps is very easy. You can use almost any kind of vegetable, but we kept it simply by using only 3 kinds. Did you know you can also get them crispy in the oven if you want to have them even healthier without the oil? It’s easy, just lay them onto a baking sheet, drizzle lightly with oil and bake them in an oven set to 190 degrees celsius or 375 degrees fahrenheit for about 5 minutes. In this recipe we decided to fry them instead.

Preparation — 5 minutes

HEAT sunflower or vegetable oil in a Dutch oven or other heavy bottomed pan.
The most easy way to cut the veggies in thin slices, is using a mandoline. If you don’t own one, you can also use a vegetable peeler. You can slice them any way you like, cut them into small thin pieces or long thin strips like we did. TOSS them with a little bit of all-purpose flour to prevent them from discoloring during frying.
PREPARE a large bowl with paper kitchen towels and set aside.
Baked vegetable crisps

Baking the vegetable crisps — 5 minutes

If you’re using a pan for frying, you can easily check the temperature by dipping in a small piece of paper kitchen towel. When the oil starts to bubble, it’s ready for adding the pieces of vegetable. ADD them one by one, to prevent them from sticking. Don’t overcrowd the pan.
You’ll notice they are done in only 1 to 2 minutes. REMOVE them from the oil using the skimmer and transfer them to the prepared large bowl. Immediately bring them to taste using fine salt. Keep on frying until they’re all done. Keep in mind the thinner they are, the faster they’re done. Store them in an airtight container to keep them nice and crispy.
We decided they taste amazing without any kind of dipping sauce, but you can of course for example dip them into aioli. We also love these crispy veggies on a main course dish, or even on top of a salad.



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