Halloween Candy Bark

Halloween Candy Bark is melt in your mouth smooth, yet crunchy, sweet and a bit salty. Plus you won’t believe how easy it is to make! This is a perfect treat for a party or to package up as gifts.
Halloween Candy Bark from CulinaryEnvy.com
I have to admit that I loved Halloween growing up. It was so much fun to dress up and go out into the cool, crisp night air and get candy from houses in the neighborhood. Seeing all of the overly excited children dressed up in their finest costumes made it all too magical. Since I can’t Trick or Treat anymore, I love that the Food Network devotes a whole month to the Halloween Holiday. My son Brandon found this darling video for me and we dropped everything to go get the ingredients (I will use any excuse to get candy)! This Halloween Candy Bark looked so cute and turned out to be the simplest 2-step recipe. It is also a great way to use up your leftover Halloween candy!
When making this delightful recipe we came to one quick discovery; if you want your chocolate bark to remain white, we recommend letting it sit a little longer cooling than recommended. We found that the milk chocolate mix-ins immediately started to melt. We waited exactly 8 minutes as the recipe suggested and then quickly stirred in the candy, but the Reese’s and Rolo caramels started to melt slightly (like that’s the biggest concern in the world). So, our white chocolate bark turned a light cocoa color instead (again, why am I even mentioning this travesty). Finally, you are supposed to let it set at room temperature for a couple hours. Frankly I think we lasted 30 minutes and couldn’t take it any longer (we sound like big kids here, but not our fault, it looked too inviting). We stuck the baking tray in the freezer for several minutes and sure enough it cooled in no time. You probably will have more self-control than we did, and let it sit out the proper amount of time. Food Network may even revoke our TV membership if they find out what we did.
Halloween Candy Bark from CulinaryEnvy.com
Oh my goodness, it was soooo good! The white chocolate is the perfect compliment to all of the various candy flavors, it doesn’t overpower it like milk or dark chocolate would. However, the next time we make Halloween Candy Bark, we have the perfect solution for the 2 hour wait. We figured we will use the time to make Spiced Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Loaf.  We know, we probably should have said Split Pea Soup or something with vegetables to offset all the sugar. Well we did eat carrots while making the bark, so does that count?
Halloween Candy Bark
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Author: Susan and Brandon
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 6 servings
  • 21 ounces white chocolate bars
  • 1½ teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 1½ cups Halloween Candies
  1. Finely chop the white chocolate bars and place in a large glass bowl.
  2. Simmer 1 inch water in a saucepan over low heat.
  3. Put the glass bowl with the chopped chocolate on top of the saucepan. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water (we are making it into a double boiler here).
  4. Stir chocolate with rubber spatula until melted.
  5. Add 1½ teaspoons vegetable oil.
  6. Remove from heat and set aside for 8 minutes (or a little longer, see comments above), stirring occasionally.
  7. Conjure up your Halloween Candy, anything you like.
  8. Add the candy to the cooled chocolate and quickly stir.
  9. Pour into a baking sheet lined with foil.
  10. Spread to about ½ inch thick.
  11. Let sit at room temperature for 2 hours.
  12. Break apart into various size pieces with your hands.



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